How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Butt

Looking to get rid of cellulite on your thighs and your butt? Look no further.

Unfortunately, cellulite is a very common problem in which 85-90% of women have some form of it.

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What is cellulite exactly?

It’s a medical condition in which the skin, almost anywhere on the body, becomes dimpled and wrinkly looking.

The good news?

Cellulite is completely reversible in 99% of cases.  This is because it is caused by excess fat accumulation in the body and blood flow.

Plain and simple.  When circulation decreases, the collagen levels of the skin also decrease, and fat cells become larger.

As the fat cells grow, they begin to “push” their way to the top as the skin becomes thinner and less elastic.  Once the skin has become weak enough, and the fat cells are large enough, cellulite occurs.

The most important parts of getting rid of cellulite have to do with removing fat off of the body and improving blood flow to the affected regions. There are a variety of ways to do this, but only seven that seem to have any real science behind them.

Here are the seven most effective tips to get rid of cellulite quickly and increase than blood flow!

1. Don’t waste money on creams, potions, or “cellulite pills.”

That stuff is garbage when it comes to removing cellulite.

None of those things can treat the real cause of cellulite (lack of blood flow) and are, therefore, a complete waste of your money.

2. Move:

daily walk to lose weight

Stand up.  Get up.  Start walking around. Start moving your body. Find a hobby or activity that REQUIRES lots of movement.

The more you get up out of that chair and move, the better blood flow you will have and the quicker the cellulite will go away.

A simple rule of thumb is not to spend more than 1 hour sitting without getting up.

3. Dry brushing WORKS.

I was skeptical of “dry brushing” at first, but it seems to have a powerful effect on cellulite reduction.

This makes sense because dry brushing causes a direct and immediate blood flow increase to the region being brushed.

Take a dry brush and slowly rub the affected area in a circular motion.  Do this one time per day for around 5 minutes.

Any more is unnecessary and can be damaging to the skin.

4. Get a coconut oil massage.

Put your husband or boyfriend to work.

The key here is to let them be a little bit rough with the body. Not that you should be in pain, but the deeper the massage, the better effects it will have.

The point is to increase circulation in the skin.  Using coconut oil will also better moisturize the skin and help with the healing process.

10 minutes minimum for best effects!

5. Hydration is KEY.

Circulation and hydration are best friends.  By getting more water into the system, you’ll be naturally improving blood flow, increasing skin quality, and helping the metabolism.

However, while most people know the importance of water intake, the majority of people also struggle with sticking to it.  Here are a few ideas that will help:

large water bottle for hydration

Use a half gallon jug of water. Buy a half gallon jug and fill it up with water every morning when you wake up. Yes, you’ll become “that person” at the office, but that’s ok. Being that person is often a good thing when it comes to being healthy.   

Use the rubber band technique. Wrap a rubber band around your water bottle every time you fill it up. Try to get in 100 ounces per day!

6. Eliminate sugar.

Sugar is one of the primary food villains that causes cellulite. It causes:

  • Fat accumulation
  • Inflammation
  • Premature skin aging and reduced elasticity

These three things are some of the primary factors involved in cellulite production.  If you need a sweet tooth fix, try gum instead!

See our article on breaking sugar addiction for more information on how to reduce your sugar intake.

7. Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s are one of the only nutrients out there PROVEN through multiple double-blind studies to increase circulation and blood flow in the body.  And it’s not by a small margin either.  The increase is sometimes by as much as 30-50%.

Eat lots of fish like salmon and halibut to get in natural omega-3s.

If you don’t like fish, supplementation is key.  Get a high-quality omega-3 fish oil, and supplement on the days you’re not getting in omega 3’s naturally into the diet.

If you are looking for a DIET PLAN to help you shed weight and banish cellulite, make sure to check out our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge below.

People lose an average of 10-21 pounds in 21 days and absolutely love it!  But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from people about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term.

Avocadu 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge

We have over 1,000 people in our private support group going through the Challenge together, and every day they are sharing experiences, results, motivation, and lots of recipes!

If you are ready to make some changes in your life, this is the ONLY place you should start.  We will teach you exactly how to make the necessary changes in your diet and your lifestyle and how to keep them “beyond the diet.”

Click here to get started with YOUR 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge today!

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